
Research for New Products and New Markets

Reduce risk by deeply understanding markets and customers before launch

Launching new products and even old products in new markets can cause sleepless nights - the fear of doing something wrong that has cost so much time, effort and money can be overwhelming. And when the wrong product has been launched, we wish we had a time machine to go back and fix it.

What if we could know which product - in which market - is worth the investment?

What if we could know which product, and which market, is worth the investment?

I’ve repeatedly helped teams understand customers well enough to develop a new product that solves their biggest needs.

I’ve worked with companies of various sizes to identify risks and find untapped opportunities in new markets where cultures and expectations differ greatly.

Competitor Analysis

Diving deeply into your existing competitors’ services, or those in a new market where you hope to launch in an objective analysis. Pinpointing precisely what they do well, and where they have not solved problems.

Competitor Testing

Testing the products and services of your competitors with their existing and/or non-customers to understand how well they are serving your shared audiences.

In-depth Interviews

Interviewing your existing customers, underserved audiences, or prospects in a new market can illuminate key issues with other services, issues with your services, and unmet needs that can lead to powerful, profitable new products.

…and more

Read about how my research helped a SaaS company develop a successful new product